Live Events

Here is an exhaustive list of where you can see the Pandemonialists in action. Events we run have open-mic spots – your opportunity to do your thing on stage in front of an audience. Since Coronavirus our main event has moved online and we’re trying our best to ensure all other events we organise are live streamed.

July 2024

Sunday 7th July 2024. 7.30pm. £Pay-As-You-Feel
Yes We Cant
Online, via Zoom
The last YWC before the summer break. Headliner is Coventry Poet Laureate John Bernard and ‘Alf Ender is Memoona Ahmed.

September 2024

Tuesday 17th September 2024. 7.30pm. £Free
Arena Theatre, Wulfruna Street, Wolverhampton. WV1 1SE
After our summer hiatus PASTA returns with the theme: NEW TERM, NEW BEGINNINGS.