Whose Round Is It Anyway is our second theatre show. We won an award for Best Spoken Word Show at Morecambe Fringe in the summer of 2022, the very first time we performed it.
What’s It About?
The premise of the show is simple: three poets meet up in a pub. It’s been two long years since they last met. There’s been a pandemic. How have they fared? Can they remember how to behave in company? And is this a work event or a party?
Into this framework, we pour a rich mix of banter, social comment, humour, and our own highly-crafted, accessible poetry.
“This show was a real treat. On the surface, three friends having their first post-pandemic pint down the pub to share their lock-down experiences. In reality, a sequence of very polished individual performances by three accomplished spoken word artists, artfully blended within a setting of pub chat and banter. The poetry was exceptional, the whole idea was ingenious, and the audience were captivated.”
Lancaster Guardian review of Morecambe Fringe Performance
Audience Reviews
“Really enjoyed it and it was the perfect antidote to the ‘heavy duty’, ‘art for art’s sake’ stuff I’ve subjected myself to recently!”
“An absolutely cracking night!”
“I was at pandemonialists’ new show at Arena Theatre. Which was the same as being underground, because it was edgy and cool.”
“It was all so relatable and moving, funny, thought provoking. So thank you.”
“Excellent show, brilliant poems! Kept forgetting I’m in the online audience – laughing out loud and clapping!”
“Jon laughed his ass off.”
“Bostin show.”
“It was marvellous.” Neil Reading, Director of Arena Theatre
If you’d like more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch.