PASTA October 2024

Tuesday 15th October was another helping of PASTA. We were entertained with rich words on buses, public transport, and lamb[1] based meals. But it wasn’t just entertainment. It was also educational. Did you know there are some trees in Walsall Arboretum that smell of toffee apples? No, nor did I[2]. Did you know one of our poets cannot swear in front of Canadian people? No, nor did I. Did you know there might be a connection between driving a Mercedes on Wolverhampton Ring Road and public displays of self-satisfaction? No, nor did I? But I did have my suspicions about that one.

We had poems, ballads, short stories, and Gilbert and Sullivan cover versions[3]. More importantly we had those people who are “nervous” but managed to push those fears into the ground long enough to walk to the mic and deliver some great works. Back in the day when the three P’s first sat in a pub we wanted a way to bring new people into poetry and get people to perform for the first time. PASTA is an amazing and unique platform for rookies and long may that continue.

Next month’s PASTA is on Tuesday 19th November. The theme is “I” or if you hold it upside down… well, it’s still “I”. But if you hold it sideways it could be “H”. It could even be “1”. So write some stuff about yourself, about Arnold Rimmer[4] or about Malcolm McDowell[5].

See you in November.

[1] I’m sure Emma and Steve would like to point out vegetarian versions of lamb are available.

[2] They smell of toffee apples even if there isn’t a caravan next to them selling toffee apples.

[3] Acapella and with slightly different lyrics.

[4] A reference which probably went over the heads of everyone under 50.

[5] A reference which probably went over the heads of everyone who doesn’t watch semi-obscure British Gangster films.